Saturday, March 31, 2012

McCamley announces candidacy for House District 33

McCamley announces candidacy for House District 33

Sun-News report
LAS CRUCES — Former County Commissioner Bill McCamley, a Democrat, has formally announced his candidacy for House District 33, the seat that has been held since 2005 by Joni Marie Gutierrez, who has reportedly announced her intention to step down from the Legislature in order to run for Democratic national committeewoman.

“First I want to thank Representative Gutierrez for her service. She has been a tremendous public servant and representative of our district. I wish her good luck in her candidacy for New Mexico Democratic national committeewoman," McCamley said in a statement announcing his candidacy.

“I am running for House District 33 because I want to create jobs for the region, help our kids get those jobs with strong education programs, create new energy resources locally, and clean up corruption. I will also work hard to support neighborhoods in Las Cruces and Mesilla, keeping our communities great places to live.”

McCamley has lived in Doña Ana County for 20 years, and served on the Doña Ana County Commission from 2005 to 2008. He was chairman in 2005 and vice chairman in 2008. He has also worked as the director for the New Mexico Rural Development Council, at NMSU, and for New Horizons West, an educational nonprofit in Animas.

He is currently employed with ROJO Ink, a Las Cruces custom clothing company that feeds starving children in the world's poorest nations.

“As someone who has been employed in the public, nonprofit, and now the private sector, I bring the experience necessary to make a true difference and get things done," he said. "I will work hard in the campaign and as a representative, knocking on every door, listening to every voter, and being a voice for the communities of southern Las Cruces and Mesilla.”

McCamley said his focus as a legislator will be on the economy, education, energy policy and ethics.

McCamley has a BA from New Mexico State University, where he served as president of the student government, and a master's in public policy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
He also ran for the Public Regulation Commission in 2010 and for U.S. Congress in 2008.

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