Saturday, March 31, 2012

Butler to challenge longtime lawmaker in state Senate race

Butler to challenge longtime lawmaker in state Senate race

Sun-News report
LAS CRUCES — Former Doña Ana County Commissioner Oscar Vásquez Butler, a Democrat, has filed to run for state Senate in District 36.

Butler will face longtime Sen. Mary Jane Garcia in the primary election. The winner will face Republican Lee S. Cotter in the general election.

"People ask me why I'm running against the incumbent senator, Mary Jane Garcia. This is a fair question and I will answer it straight up," Butler said. "The short answer is that I'm not running against anyone. I'm running for the position and for a chance the address the future needs of the county and state, not the past."

Butler said Garcia, the majority whip, is to be commended for her work on a number of issues during her 24 years in the Senate. But, he said with a number of Democratic leaders not running for re-election, new leadership is needed.

"It's a new ballgame, and every legislator is Santa Fe will be challenged and must prove themselves to a new set of leaders," he said. "With these new challenges come new opportunities, and that requires to work in cooperation with the other legislators to have a good plan."

Butler said his priorities if elected would include early-childhood education, historical preservation, prison reform, water conservation, infrastructure improvement, economic development and the Colonia Initiative. He said he would also seek repeal of the Extra Territorial Zoning Act.

Butler served on the county commission from 2002 to 2010, when he was prohibited from seeking re-election because of term limits.

The primary election is June 5. The general election is Nov. 6.

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